Saturday, September 11, 2021

Going Green, or Going Nuts? NY State to Ban the Sale of New Gas-Powered Cars and Trucks by 2035

By N.S.


Anonymous said...

Lol.The anti-pollution legislation and goals are always 15 to 30 years out--then when the time comes--they push 'em out again.A bigger load of crap you won't see from a herd of elephants.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
All designed to drive speculative wealth creation. The cry goes out: "Green energy is the future" "Buy in this or that green energy stock", the stock market responds and more billionaires are created. What's really disgusting is the way the globalists use green energy to justify unlimited population growth via immigration. It doesn't matter that there will be a billion people in the US (mostly Muslims, negroes and Indian/Paki's) in 80 yrs. or so, green energy will supply all their needs without destroying the environment. It's al load of BS, green energy is an oxymoron, there is no truly clean energy that will have no effect on the environemnt, even so called green energy sources have a similar environmental impact to fossil fuels.

Anonymous said...

Going to fail and they know it from the start. And if you are from out-of-state and driving through in a gas "guzzler" you cannot do so?