Friday, September 03, 2021

Healthy Eating is Murder

By Nicholas Stix

nebulafox says:
September 3, 2021 at 3:06 p.m. GMT

1) Ban booze, sugar, and junk food from your life. This is well over half the battle when it comes to American diets. Once this is done, the other parts get a lot easier, and even if this is all you do, you’ll note progress.

2) Walk somewhere every day. Get a dog. Walk to lunch or part of the way to work. Walk with your kids or your lady/man if you have them. Whatever. Just do it every day, even if you start small.

3) Drink water. Increases fat burning rate, curbs hunger pangs.

All three things of these things should be compatible with any schedule, no matter how busy.

Do these things *consistently*, month in, month out, and you won’t be obese at the end of the line. Some people are not going to be skinny, no matter what they try: a non-trivial part of that is genetics, so stop worrying. But miles of room between that and accepting obesity.

Patient steadiness goes way further than explosive intensity that doesn’t last when it comes to fat loss. Everything else you do on top of these three will do nothing more than increase the rate of progress.

N.S.: Sure, but then you’ll compensate for the losses by becoming a serial killer, and wiping out your spouse, kids and, worst of all, your dog.

The Stix Family has learned the hard way that adding insufficient quantities of salt can completely ruin a meal otherwise composed of wonderful ingredients (e.g., thick, juicy, Porterhouse steaks).

A few years ago, a young doctor asked me about any guns I might have in the house. I told her that was none of her concern. In my family, we don’t even talk (not honestly, at least) to our doctors about our diet.

“Oh, but you’re cutting years off your life.”

Hopefully, they will only be my last years.

Of course, I could follow your advice, and be a miserable, frustrated, serial killer who lives in a max security prison to be 100.

And who gets a dog, just to keep his weight down? You get a dog to keep your mind off your wife and kids.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Most important thing is that you have the freedom to choose. My own lifestyle has resulted in being remarkably healthy and youthful looking. Even though I am now over 60, people often say: I hope I look like you when I'm your age. But when I describe my rigorous daily workout routine and restrictive diet, plus no drinking, smoking or drugs (illicit or prescription) they then say: "I couldn't live that way".

But I don't proselytize and I don't judge, I can only advise but only when asked. I do what I do because I actually like it, if I didn't, then I wouldn't do it. There is something to be said for living your life for the moment because no matter how healthy you lifestyle is, you could still get diagnosed with brain cancer and be dead in a few months, maybe you can lower your chances of that happening but there's still no guarantee.

What's disturbing is the idea of enforced health, a concept emanating from youngish liberal, PC, Woke, progressive ideology that it's boils down to the same game: The left putting on a façade of public interest that actually benefits the ultra rich and the globalist goal of erasing freedom of choice and individuality. What I said before...people tell me "I couldn't live that way"...It's true, people can only live the way that's right for them (and should have the freedom to). Forcing people to always make healthy living choices is an extraordinarily, or downright impossible, difficult thing to do. So we are pummeled with massive propaganda saying we "must do something"! And what is that something we should do? It's drugs, prescription meds and more drugs which generates more and more profits for the pharma industry. Big pharma will keep us healthy with mass infusions of chemicals since we won't stop living an unhealthy lifestyle.

We can see this playing out with the scamdemic, there is more and more public pressure to submit to governmental mandates to take a vaccine that does not confer true immunity or prevent infection, it just reduces symptoms. How long before we start seeing Woke true believers with fanatical zeal in their eyes (already see that) and syringes in their hands hunting down the last hold outs in their own homes and on the streets?

Then when they have established that "public interest" trumps individual liberty and personal choice, they will extend it to enforced ingestion of whatever other drugs big pharma wants to stuff us with to "keep us alive longer". Well, maybe I don't want to be kept artificially alive, maybe I want to live out my life the way I like as a real person, not a zombie. Don't worry, by the time big pharma and their Wokester storm troopers get through, we won't have a choice in the matter.

Anonymous said...

4. Stay away from blacks.