Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Brooklyn: black supremacists and White antifa Communists/Anarchists Harass White Diners at White-Men-Owned Eatery

Wed, Apr 21, 2021 12:49 p.m.

Brooklyn: black supremacists Harass White Diners at White-Owned Eatery

"W": Coming soon to your favorite haunt:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx

Language is always evolving in this new age of "Wokeness"...they've got a brand new word for us whiteys! Check out the headline:

Michigan State Education Conference Separates ‘White Folx’ and ‘People of Color’

Yup, we're not "folk" anymore, we're "folx". Is that like when radical feminists use X in women indicating they are actually bio women? Or maybe we're all now related to Malcolm?

Here is the full article:

Yup, it's the new segregation brought to you by the very ones who once condemned segregation as racist. Personally though, I'm all for it, let's go ahead and segregate completely.

Lots of good comments, but this one is my favorite (wish I had thought of it):

"I'm a person of color too, my color just happens to be white"