Thursday, March 18, 2021

House Votes "Path to Citizenship" for Hundreds of Millions of Illegals, in Nation-Breakng, Mass Amnesty of Illegal, Third-World, Human Beings

By "W"
Thu, Mar 18, 2021 8:15 p.m.

House Votes "Path to Citizenship" for Millions of Illegals

N.S.: The Post is radically low-balling the numbers involved. Back in 2018, a Yale study concluded that there could be as many as 29.5 million illegal aliens in America, as opposed to the feds' and open borders lobby's years-long insistence on the same ridiculous number of 11 million. The Center for Immigration Studies' Steven Camarota criticized the Yale Study, saying that believing it required also disbelieving the Census Bureau's numbers. Well, duh! Camarota's years-long credulous function as a Census-bot, who mindlessly plugs in the Bureau's illegal alien numbers for all social indices has rendered his "research" worthless. (Yeah, I'm not on his Christmas list, either.)

The Census Bureau's years-long policy of lying about the numbers of illegal aliens on American soil has amounted to a stealth amnesty, meant to fool the American people, and pave the way for an actual mass amnesty, like the one the House just passed, and which awaits a debate and vote in the Senate. If it passes, Fake President Joe Biden will sign it into law, and America is done for, assuming it isn't already.

In a 2014 report I wrote for VDARE, old immigration hands I spoke with put the number at anywhere from 21-50 million. However, one must always keep in mind that the feds have never ended chain migration. Thus, anyone permitted to stay here, whether he initially invaded the country as a criminal, or came "legally," gets to apply on behalf of parents, siblings, and uncles and aunts (real or fake). Thus, the ultimate numbers would be eight times the initially amnestied illegal human beings. Therefore, we are talking about 200 million to over 400 million Third World criminals and welfare grifters.



Anonymous said...

I don't think this is what Poland or Russia did to Germany.


Anonymous said...

Hope the Senate will hold firm and some Democrats abandon the party line for this one.