Thursday, February 11, 2021

Donald Trump: Guilty as Hell of Being a Normal, Patriotic, White Man

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 1:06:00 A.M. EST

How many Whites in this country have not lost their minds about race and preserving their own White ethnicity? Break it down by age groups if you prefer—go ahead—give it a guess:

65 and up: I’ll say over half are pro-White—if they can remember who they are. There many seniors profiled on TV (it’s propaganda—I know) who speak in support of blm.

50 to 64: Probably the category that remembers the way it was—I’ll say 60% are pro-White.

35 to 49: Possibly 40%—at best—view White survival as important.

Under 34: Clueless and over 75% are pro-black and pro-White genocide.

I just shake my head, but the constant television propaganda has intensified the anti-White themes since Biden was sworn in to kill America.

If you watched any part of the impeachment, many of those trying to get Trump are blackies. It’s symbolic and not accidental—the Dems AND media are trying to convict Trump of being White. They’re mixing in racism, insurrection, tax evasion and anything else they have hypothesized about the last 4 years— but it’s all about getting a Whitey who believes in America as it used to be.

That’s my humble opinion. --GRA



Anonymous said...

Probably mostly correct.

Anonymous said...

Colorado negro rep,Joe Neguse,talks with his hands a LOT!Is "neguse"the plural of negro,by the way?
In a sentence:
Driving in the ghetto today,we saw a lot of "neguse" on the various porches.
Neguse is one of the blackies,front and center,trying to get Whitey/Trump strung up.