Friday, February 12, 2021

Cuomo Aide Melissa DeRosa Admits They Hid Nursing Home Data, so Feds Wouldn't Find Out

By David in TN
Fri, Feb 12, 2021 9:48 a.m.

New York Post: Cuomo Aide Melissa DeRosa Admits They Hid Nursing Home Data, so Feds Wouldn't Find Out

N.S.: I was apparently the first journalist who reported, last March or April, that nursing home deaths through the Chia Virus were exploding, because Cuomo was forcing nursing homes to warehouse these patients, while lying in his official reports. (I know many people who work in nursing homes.) It was yet another case of official fakestats.



Anonymous said...

But Democrat crooks always seem to get away with their crimes. Fauci and the other corrupt government bureaucrats and doctors will get away with causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, destroying, the economy, and helping to put a fascist socialist in power. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin would have saved thousands and ended the pandemic. But billions are to be made with an experimental "vaccine" with unknown longterm effects.

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Decided to watch KGW's impeachment coverage because Lesta the Molesta was going to be the ringmaster so I knew it would be heavily biased against Trump. I was not disappointed, at the break Lesta trotted out a series of Trump haters who proceeded to trash the defense. They started with Chuck Todd who claimed the defense ignored "other" things Trump did to incite the insurrection making vague references to "tweets", then Chuck Rosenburg and Carol Liam who both also trashed the defense and Trump, then it was Lesta look alike and race supremacist protege Jonathan Capehart playing token Trump hating negro amongst the white Trump haters. The lone exception was Rich Lowry who did defend Trump a little, but it was feeble and he was only given a couple of brief minutes, then they quickly trotted out two more Trump haters: Andrea Mitchell who told some story about the KKK, clearly trying to associate Trump with the KKK and Daniel Goldman who said the defense was ignoring Trump's "intent" (suggesting he planned the attack). I think there were a couple more after that but I couldn't take it anymore so walked away for a bit. At this point the trial has resumed, we'll see how it goes but I'm not seeing anything that's going to change and Democrats minds, it's going to be partisan no doubt, question is how many Repubs actually hate Trump enough to vote for impeachment?

One thing that jumped out at me is when the defense played a video with Trump calling out Republicans, calling some of his Republican colleagues as "weak". Was this a sneaky way of reminding certain Republicans that Trump doesn't like them? Are there Democratic plants among Trumps defense team? If I was on his defense team I'd never let that video get played, I'd try to find something that showed Trump being conciliatory or complimentary to his Republican colleagues. Reality is, doesn't matter how much the defense proves Trump didn't plan or incite the riot, Democrats are going to vote to impeach because they hate him, the defense priority has to be keeping Republicans from jumping fence and joining the Dems. If they don't succeed, they'll vote to impeach.

Anonymous said...

3rd degree murder. The dago did something he should not have done that resulted in deaths. And of vulnerable persons, seniors too. That means three times the normal amount of punishment.

Make a deal with the Dems. Off the table with prosecution of Don and off the table with prosecution of the dago.