Friday, December 04, 2020

UK: Albanian Woman "Not Guilty" After Slitting Throat of 7-Year-Old Anglo Girl

By "W"
Dec 4, 2020 3:12 p.m.

UK: Albanian Woman "Not Guilty" After Slitting Throat of 7-Year-Old Anglo Girl

"W": No indication that a lynching party is being organized in response to this travesty. Oh, and don't forget, "Diversity is Strength."


Anonymous said...

The family is stronger now that is has been touched by Diversity.

Anonymous said...

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Monroe Center through downtown Grand Rapids is now named for native Breonna Taylor.

In October, the Grand Rapids City Commission approved designating Monroe Center from Division to Monroe avenues as “Breonna Taylor Way.” A ribbon-cutting ceremony for the honorary name change was held on Friday.

“Hopefully when they walk down Breonna Taylor Way, you feel her spirit. When you walk this street, be kind to people,” said Tawanna Gordon, Taylor’s cousin.

Taylor and her boyfriend were awakened by police officers trying to serve a late-night warrant at their Louisville apartment in March. Her boyfriend fired on the officers, thinking they were intruders. The officers fired on him as well, hitting and killing Taylor.

(GRA:To refresh,she lived with a drug dealer,broke up with him,lived with this thug--who carried a weapon to bed with him--and got herself killed by letting two loser nigs into her existence.This ISN'T the "Way" to live or a reason to have a street named for you.)
But this is n-loving,thug loving,Grand Rapids.

Anonymous said...

Wonder is she is a gypsy. Lots of crime in Europe done by Albanian gypsies--most of whom are Muslims. I once read that most of the cars in Albania were stolen in Europe. Kind of like when I lived in southern New Mexico--it was said that a car or truck (Ford pickups were a favorite) stolen would be in Old Mexico in 45 minutes. Some of the stolen vehicles were driven by Mexican police.

Anonymous said...

They all suffer from "paranoid schizophrenia". Woman is probably a Muslim.