Saturday, August 22, 2020

Saturday Funnies

By An Old Friend







Anonymous said...

And will be counted for Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

"I see dead people"
"That's just Biden and Pelosi,I see 'em too."

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Guess what is the largest foreign speaking language group in the US is? Care to take a stab at it? Nope, not Spanish. Here you go:
Yes, it's the invasion of Southern Indians who speak the language of Telugu, not Hindi. Personally, I question the article's accuracy, I'm doubtful the Telugu speaking group in the US exceeds the Spanish speaking one (yet, anyways) but they probably aren't accounting for illegals. From the article:

"According to the latest figures, there are 415,414 of them, CIS found when looking at Census Bureau population data as of July 01, 2017".

"The news of Telugu’s increased adoption in the US is not surprising considering the massive representation of the south Indian diaspora in the tech and engineering spaces. Hyderabad, Telangana’s capital, sends the largest number of engineers to the US from India. Between 2008 and 2012, it sent over 26,000 students to the US, most of whom were pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields, a Brookings Institution report (pdf) revealed."

So by now there are likely well over a half a million, if not many more. The article references tech work as being the impetus behind this invasion and Trump's support for the HB1 visa program is not going to be any help slowing it down. Thank Donny.

This excerpt from the article gives an insight just how obsessed Indians are with migrating to the US:

"Starry-eyed youngsters from the region chase the American Dream so desperately that the state even houses a temple famed to help people secure work visas in the West".

The article makes a vague reference to "hate crimes" against these Indians...sure, I'd like to see some documentation on that. Also, mentions that there are 4 times as many English speakers in India than the native population of the US. Remember when I sent the message about English being taught in the Indian school system? Yes, India is primed and ready to send more if Biden gets elected, per his campaign promises, he will expand immigration exponentially and they will be coming in even greater numbers than before. Between Indians, Muslim, Africans and Mex it's pretty much the end for whites, but that's what the globalists want and it's coming.

The article deceptively (aren't all these kind of articles deceptive?) shows a nice gender and age mix of Telugu in the photo but I guarantee this yearly influx of Indians will be almost entirely young males. India has a limitless supply of these young men and they will come by the millions.