Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Final Solution to the Alt-Right Question

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

From someone, somewhere on the Internet:

Should the dissident right convert to Judaism?

I think there are significant benefits to becoming a Jewish movement, instead of white identitarian, or whatever you consider yourself. At the very least, our enemies would have to defeat our arguments, instead of using racism as their one silver bullet.

Here’s how I think we could go about it:

1. Preface all statements with “As a Jew,” so that everyone knows whatever we’re about to say will be beyond reproach. For instance, “As a Jew, I believe it’s important to avoid race-mixing.”
2. If pressed on why we believe something, say it says so in the Talmud. They can either question the legitimacy of the Talmud, or tell us what it really says, either way a win, I think.
3. Any time we refer to non-whites, we should do so as “goyim,” for instance, “Did you know that only 13% of the goyim are responsible for over 50% of violent crime?”
4. In the case of our subs getting banned or our people being removed from twitter/youtube, we should refer to that as another shoah in each case.
5. If confronted by other Jews, we should make sure to let them know they’re not real Jews, and have lost the faith. Worst case scenario, the argument becomes a theological one thereby derailing the original objections.
6. Most importantly, any time we advocate for our platform it will be a Jewish platform, for instance, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Jewish children.”

Interested to know your thoughts. What other benefits can we take advantage of by becoming a Jewish movement?


Anonymous said...

Say that you are a Torah following Jew too. You keep the Torah admonitions. And all are valid points.

Anonymous said...

Just say gentile instead of goyim. More less confrontational.