Monday, December 09, 2019

Doorbell Footage Captures FedEx Delivery Driver's Meltdown When Picking Up 144-Pound Package

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Dec 9, 2019 10:43 p.m.

Doorbell footage captures delivery driver's meltdown when picking up 144 pound package

N.S.: She's got some nerve. Isn't there a weight limit on how heavy a package you can expect a driver to carry?


Anonymous said...

UPS is 50 pounds. Anything more requires special handling, and even then it's usually a situation where one has to come to the hub to get it; the drivers aren't going to deliver a package in excess of 100 pounds. That is a labor law situation; one man does not handle a package that large. The b**ch should have paid for a crew to deliver her crap. One man has no business busting a gut and risking permanent injury because some heifer was too cheap to pay for proper delivery. I would have brought the thing back to the hub unless I have helpers. There was no way the driver could have done anything but drop it the way he did. Lazy cow just watched him. Beotch!

Anonymous said...

Normally seventy pounds max.