Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Portland Anarchists Jam Water Hose In Mail Slot – Flood Lawyer’s Office Representing I.C.E. Employees

By R.C.
Tue, Apr 30, 2019 8:58 p.m.

"Portland Anarchists Jam Water Hose in Mail Slot - Flood Lawyer's Office Representing I.C.E. Employees" -

Anarchists in Portland (of course) have laid claim to vandalizing a prominent attorney's office who is representing the I.C.E. employees who are suing the city of Portland because the mayor evidently ordered police to not respond to calls where the federal employees were being targeted, stalked, and assaulted during last year's Occupy ICE encampment.

R.C.: They're pretty organized for "anarchists."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Organized and ready to fight for their cause. The hard core elite of their cause. True believers and violent and no qualms about using violence.