Rape hoaxer Emma Sulkowicz and her mattress

Rape hoaxer Amelia Roskin-Frazee and her mother, Annie Roskin
Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
A few years ago, entitled, Columbia University slut Emma Sulkowicz engineered a notorious rape hoax against a former boyfriend, which was supported by the university, friends of hers who filed false “sexual assault” allegations (including the charge that the boyfriend had kissed a woman without permission), and even professors, who gave her art credit for a “senior thesis,” without which she could not have graduated, for carrying a mattress around campus. She became known as “Mattress Girl.”
Columbia eventually paid Sulkowicz’ victim an out-of-court settlement.
Amelia Roskin-Frazee is Sulkowicz’ successor, and is even more vicious, if that is possible. She is now leading her fellow hoaxer-activists in takeovers of feminist professors’ classrooms. More on that anon.
Columbia University argues student made investigation into two sexual assault claims ''impossible' [sic]
Amelia Roskin-Frazee, a Columbia University student, claims she was sexually assaulted twice inside her Manhattan dorm room.
(Shawn Inglima/for New York Daily News)
By Victoria Bekiempis
New York Daily News
Wednesday, August 9, 2017, 2:06 A.M.
A Columbia University student who says she suffered two sexual assaults in her Manhattan dorm room made it virtually “impossible” for officials to investigate her claims, school lawyers said Tuesday.
Amelia Roskin-Frazee filed a federal lawsuit last March saying the Ivy League university inadequately responded to her allegations of a Oct. 5, 2015, rape and a Dec. 14, 2015, sexual assault.
Columbia moved to dismiss the case in June, saying Roskin-Frazee told a Student Conduct and Community Standards office case manager on Jan. 19, 2016, that she didn’t want to officially report the assaults to administrators.
According to court papers, she didn’t want to make a formal report because she didn’t trust admins would do anything “based on her prior experiences with Columbia administrators,” with whom she unofficially discussed her rape [sic].
[That should have been, “with whom she unofficially discussed her alleged rape.” Feminist newsroom activist Victoria Bekiempis just gave away her loyalty.]
She also told administrators not to contact her again about the allegations, said university lawyer Roberta Kaplan.
While the Daily News does not typically name sex assault victims, Roskin-Frazee previously agreed that her name could be used.
[There is no legal or ethical reason to withhold the name of women who claim to have been raped.]
Now 20, Roskin-Frazee officially reported the alleged assaults on Aug. 8, 2016. But by that time, Columbia had recorded over video surveillance footage for the dates in question, Kaplan said.
Meanwhile, Roskin-Frazee told administrators she had thrown out notes allegedly left by her attacker, and she told investigators she didn’t want them interviewing her roommates, Kaplan told Manhattan Federal Judge George Daniels.
[What a transparent lie. She didn’t throw anything away, because there were no notes.]
“It was all but impossible for Columbia to conduct a meaningful investigation,” Kaplan said at one point.
Daniels asked why Columbia was obligated to investigate Roskin-Frazee’s allegations before August 2016, when she made an official report — especially after she demanded in January 2016 that administrators not contact her.
Roskin-Frazee’s lawyer, Alex Zalkin, said his client had said that out of frustration, but that Columbia still had an obligation to her — and to the greater student community — to act.
[Zalkin’s assertion would require that Columbia ignored a woman’s explicit demand, a move which would have been actionable. “Heads we win, tails you lose.” He’s as despicable as his client.]
Police sources confirmed to the Daily News that Roskin-Frazee reported the alleged attacks to the Manhattan special victims division in January 2017.
A police spokesman told The News on Tuesday that “after conferral with the Manhattan DA’s office, the case has been closed.”
Roskin-Frazee previously said she waited to file a police report because she’s opposed to incarceration.
[Yeah, right. Does that mean the “rapist” was black? I’ve never hear of a feminist who was opposed to imprisoning normal, white men.]
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