Tuesday, February 10, 2015

#Twitter’s Thread #Nazis Have Shut Me Down, but Won’t Admit It, and Instead Flash a Fake Error Message!

By Nicholas Stix

I just tried to twit my newest blog item: “A Lesbian Tawana Brawley in Tacoma,” but was stopped cold by Twitter, which displayed the following message:

“This request looks like it might be automated. To protect our users from spam and other malicious activity, we can’t complete this action right now. Please try again later.”

Assuming that the message was legit, I tried all sorts of variations:
And so, I tried, “A (Word #Censored by #Twitter) #TawanaBrawley in #Tacoma? http://goo.gl/cIl3sW”

Same error message. I dropped the word “word,” but got the same error message.

“This is a test.”


“I am an error message.”


Social media sucks to begin with, but pc censored social media? That’s pouring salt in the wound.

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