Friday, February 06, 2015

Metro-North Crash was a Mass Murder-Suicide, Not an Accident; “A Split-Second Decision”; ABC News’ Diana Williams Lied About Attack; Did She Suspect Killer Ellen Brody was a Terrorist? (Photos)



Murder victim Robert Dirks (Family photo)

Murder victim Walter Liedtke

Murder victim Joseph Nadol (Photo: J.P. Morgan)

Murder victim Aditya Tomar

Murder victim Eric Vandercar

By Nicholas Stix

Why did Ellen Brody murder five Metro North riders and wound 12 on Tuesday, while taking her own life?

Brody’s five murder victims:
“Eric Vandercar of Bedford, Walter Liedtke of Bedford Hills, Joseph Nadol of New Castle, Robert Dirks of Chappaqua and Aditya Tomar of Danbury, Connecticut.”

I got that list from Gannett’s (Lower Hudson), which listed Brody’s name first, acted as if she were a victim, like those whom she’d murdered, and depicted her crime, as if it were an accident.
The identities of those killed when an SUV and Metro-North train collided in Valhalla on Tuesday night are now known….

[“Metro-North crash: Lost lives emerge” by The Journal News staff,, 1:33 p.m. EST February 6, 2015.]

The SUV didn’t collide with the train; the SUV was sitting there.
The Journal News, like other outlets, were full of warm remembrances by friends and colleagues of the mass murderer. Am I missing something?

The ongoing investigation and witness reports led off the 5:00 hour on New York City’s ABC Eyewitness News on Wednesday. The driver right behind killer Ellen Brody told viewers that Brody had ignored the red lights, the train’s whistle, and the lowering barrier, which hit the back of her SUV, as it illegally crossed. However, she was not yet on the tracks, but rather in No Man’s Land.

The driver backed up, and waved to her to likewise back up out of harm, to where he had been. She ignored him, he reported, but instead got out of her vehicle, and went to check on the back of her SUV, where the barrier had hit it. She then re-entered her SUV, but instead of backing up, drove forward onto the tracks where, instead of exiting to safety, she made sure to fasten her seatbelt, and waited for the train.

Seconds later, the train, whose motorman had pulled the emergency brake, smashed into Brody, presumably killing her instantly. She was much more fortunate than her victims, who suffered horrible fates of variously being burned alive, or losing limbs.

The entire incident, as re-told by the driver would have taken at least 20 seconds.

Shaking her head, Diana Williams immediately added the contradictory remark, “A split-second decision.” Twenty seconds=one second?

Watching this, The Boss suspected that Brody, who had yet to be identified, was a terrorist. Was that what Williams suspected, and was she therefore engaging in damage control?

That was her second lie in 20 minutes of broadcasting, but I can’t recall the first.

While I have never attacked Williams before, I’ve never been impressed with her as an alleged journalist, but that’s nothing remarkable. Few, if any of these people are journalists. The only thing that has ever impressed me about Williams is her stunning beauty.

Well, Brody does not appear to be Arab. If anything she appears to be Jewish. Had she been caught stealing from the jewelry store where she worked? Even if that were the case, it would not explain her variously murdering and maiming 17 people. And in yet another mass murder, the media have no interest in doing their jobs.

May you burn in hell, Ellen Brody.


Mass murderer Ellen Brody


jeigheff said...

Thank you for giving us more information about this criminal tragedy.

When I first read about this crash, I couldn't make sense of it. The account of the behavior of SUV's unidentified lady driver, Ellen Brody, was unexplainable. At best, Brody sounded like the most oblivious driver who ever lived.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying what others are thinking. There is no excuse for this kind of incompetence and recklessness. I hope the families of the real victims sue her estate for millions.

Adrienne said...

RIP Walter Leidtke. An irreplaceble loss to the art world. My condolences to his family and to the families of the other victims. So sad. SAY NO TO WRECKLESS DRIVING.

julia said...

Did you read the husband's remarks, as reported in the NY Post? No mention of a tox or alcohol screen.Something stinks here.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the husband's inane justifications in The Post? And did they do a toxicology or alcohol screen on her remains? Something STINKS to high heaven here.

Unknown said...

This has got to be the most asinine thing I've read so far about Ellen Brody. Terrorist ? Stealing from the jewelry store ? I love how you write about things with total lack of evidence . Maybe it's time to get off the couch, sweep the Dorito's off your lap as well as your comic books and either do some real investigating or go do something worthwhile. And it's always great to read a tragic story where the author tells us he's horny for Diana Williams . You're going places !

Anonymous said...

The truth is there was never a toxicology report. Everyone assumed Ellen Brody was a victim. No one ever took the time to focus on the evidence that she was warned to get off the tracks and completely ignored the person behind her to inspect possible damage to the back of her vehicle!!!! Whether this was drug/ alcohol/ or suicide related will still remain a mystery. However we do know, to spare her family shame, it was passed off as an accident and the MTA was blamed to avoid multiple suits from the other victim's families. I say exhume the body and find out the truth. The passengers who died are the real victims---lets not forget that!

It's a tough pill to swallow, that your mother or wife is responsible for the deaths of others. More importantly, it should not diminish the actions or responsibility of the wrongdoer---in this case Ellen Brody.

There are no winners here, just a truly unnecessary loss of lives. Something that could have been prevented, had someone heeded the clear warnings including, a constant warning horn from the train, lights and the lowering of the cross guards, and the repeated verbal warnings from another driver to "get off the tracks!"

Anonymous said...

The Jewish media stepped in immediately and made sure this woman was not investigated; no mention of her very strange and deadly behavior was made. She was so CONNECTED that no toxicology tests were ever suggested or mentioned. I was stumped by the articles and wondered if she were a non-Jew, then would she have been investigated. They even held a fundraiser for her family where they referred to her as a victim! The black woman who abandoned her stalled car on the tracks this week is being investigated for everything and her past is being scrutinized. This is the Jewish Media.

Nicholas said...

Anon, Friday, April 29, 2016 at 11:00:00 PM EDT,

Do you have more information on the black female driver? What you wrote is not enough to go on.