Monday, January 05, 2015

Fort Lauderdale: 4 Raceless, Faceless, Nameless Perps (Amish, Swedes?) Commit Attempted Murder on Undercover Cop, Who Responds to His Inner Sharpton, by Not Defending Himself; All 4 in Custody via Other Cops

By Nicholas Stix

Al Caba commented,

“I foresee a lot of dread locks and gold teeth in the mug shots.....”

Volunteer auxiliary thought police person Benjamin Eugene NElson responded,

“Well that was pretty racist there...”

My reader-researcher Stan D Mute commented,

“It's the Mennonites again! Thug Mennonites always shooting at cops, at children, and anything else nearby. Of course it's really our fault for being such anti-anabaptists. If the country could stop its anti-anabaptistism I just know the Mennonites would the next day get jobs, raise their own kids, pay taxes, and stop all the senseless violence and crime.”

At Local 10.

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