Friday, June 13, 2014

Israeli Scandal! IDF Caught in Years-Long Cover-Up and Lies about Women’s Unfitness for Combat

[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“This Woman’s Army: Obama to Complete Gleichschaltung of the American Military into the World’s Most Expensive, Non-Fighting Force by Forcing Combat Units to Accept Coeds.” (Includes “Claire, the Lean, Mean, Killing Machine: This Woman’s Army.”)]

By Nicholas Stix

Only whites with an above average IQ can be so stupid (or perhaps, fanatical is the word) as to believe that females can serve in combat. I was going to also say that only such people would need a “study” to disabuse them of such a notion, except that no study will work—they just lie and deny, as they have in the past.



Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes that women can serve in combat has never been in combat, and probably has never been in the military.

Stan D Mute said...

This is a good counter to the still too common arguments in the race realist community that Jews have conspired to destroy America. Here, it appears Zionist Jews have conspired to destroy Israel. Of course it's also worth noting that a great number of Jews are enthralled with the idea of having sub-Saharan African "Jews" welcomed in Israel and it's in the face of considerable opposition that the current government has kept African invasion in check.

Some day I hope that the dimmer lights among us will realize that cultural Marxism has infected all Western whites and that Christian Universalism has more to do with our downfall than the handful of successful Jews that owns the media. Insanity doesn't care which church it attends.

Stan D Mute

Anonymous said...

Right, that myth of the Israeli female soldier and combat troop is just that, a myth.

Convoy of the 35 the first day of the Israeli War of Independence a mixed force of 35 Israeli caught in an ambush and all killed, women and men, the bodies then mutilated beyond description.

The very next day the Israeli high command issued the order no more women in combat.

Except for very rare instances the order has held for almost seventy years.

Anonymous said...

Snipers and pilots probably are two areas where the woman can and has excelled in combat.

Rear service support military roles they do a good job.

Nothing wrong with that. Free men up for combat jobs.

Anonymous said...

IN U.S. Army basic training [1966] we had to carry a full sized man one hundred yards on our back.

As if you were carrying a wounded man off the battlefield.

Anonymous said...

Two of the Virginia class submarines are reputedly going to be "manned" by all women crews.

That "crewman" function in the worst of circumstances as a heavy machine operator.

Since the number of women needed will be very small the selection process will be most meticulous.

One big sorority house under the water I might assume.