Friday, February 03, 2012

Why isn't This a Hate Crime?


[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

“Philadelphia Hate Crime: Mob of 5 Black, 1 Poss Hispanic 15-18 Year-Olds Suckerpunch White, 64-Year-Old, Disabled Vietnam Vet, Almost to Death; One Suspect Arrested.”]


Anonymous said...

I did a Google search and couldn't find a news story on this crime outside the Philadelphia area. None was later than January 23.

David In TN

Nicholas said...

Thanks for doing the search, David. It never even occurred ot me to do it.

I have to learn to routinely do that for every hate crime, just for the record. "As usual, the national media ignored the racist atrocity."

Anonymous said...

On a thread about the Knoxville Horror two years ago, I made a comment about the Hate Crime Issue. There were a few national news stories and columns about the crime in 2007. Even Tim Wise and the SPLC weighed in. I wrote on August 25, 2010:

"The answer in virtually every case was race had nothing to do with anything. Neither the lack of coverage or the motive for the crime."

"Everybody had the same opinion. It was like a bunch of offenders finding themselves not guilty."

David In TN