By Nicholas Stix
Updated at 2:27 p.m., on December 30, 2008.
With a New Year's P.S.
“Wir haben nichts gewußt.” “We didn’t know anything.” The speaker is an attractive German lady in her early sixties, the year 1984, the place, her business in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in the Bavarian Alps. What they “didn’t know” about, was what the Nazis were up to, during her youth.
Why was she defending herself? I hadn’t berated her, hadn’t played the Holocaust card, the way so many Jews did after the war with the Gerries, er, Germans. I hadn’t even told her I was a Jew. She just knew. (And I spoke German like a native.)
Hitler had announced his intention to kill off the Jews, long before President Paul von Hindenburg had appointed him chancellor in 1933. And when the Jews started disappearing, in 1938, Germans more or less knew what was going on.
That man, pictured below, whatever he’s calling himself at the moment, long ago revealed himself to harbor a racism of metaphysical dimensions. He has no plans of ever giving up power, and returning to civilian life. He is his African father's son, and his racial socialist plan is to dispossess and disenfranchise America’s founding people, and turn mankind’s last, best hope into a blood-drenched, Mugabe-style kleptocracy and dictatorship.

Who do you think will fight him? John McCain? The Republican National Committee? Those quislings, and those like them, have already surrendered, and made a separate peace.
Who will join the fight to save America? VDARE, founded by Peter Brimelow, the wandering Englishman who became an American patriot without peer, has been fighting for America for nine years. The quislings have jumped on the bandwagon, and if one day the wheels should come off, they will have their “We didn’t know anything” speeches at the ready.
But it doesn’t have to come to that. The President-select and usurper-in-chief can be stopped, but the fight must begin now, before he has criminalized dissent and jailed his critics, before he has gutted what is left of the Constitution, and before he has swamped the country with scores of millions of instantly naturalized African Bantu.
It was another native Briton, Shakespeare, who penned the most eloquent speech of all on the necessity of fighting the good fight, allies or no. In Henry V, on the eve of the Battle of Agincourt in France, King Harry responds to the timidity of his cousin and advisor, Westmoreland.
If we are mark'd to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more....
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made
And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that man's company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is called the feast of Crispian....
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
And yet, on October 25, 1415, Harry and his band of brothers would prevail against the French, despite being outnumbered four-to-one.
P.S. The man in the picture is not wearing a Nation of Islam bow tie, it just seems that way, because the way he is gesticulating, and even the way he is wearing his mouth while making a point, are pure NOI. This is yet more of "Barack Obama's" racial subtexting, like the way he says "folks," to sound folksy, when he really means "blacks," or the way he says "working families," as he did during his DNC acceptance speech, to make it sound like he's talking about the working class, when he's really talking about blacks and Hispanics.
Let me explain the last part, which will not be clear to most people outside of New York City. New York State has a NYC-based "Working Families Party." The WFP, however, is not a party of the working class, rather it is an anti-white, racist party, whose name is a code phrase for "black and Hispanic." "Obama" ran on their line in 2008.
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Seek psychiatric attention. Seriously.
Fuck you very much.
Thank you, Mr. Stix.
I am terrified of Obama taking power. I am terrified he will prove true to the stereotype that African Big Men do not willingly give up power. Mugabe, Exhibit 1.
I am terrified of his racial socialism = importing millions of his Luo tribesmen / Affirmative Action for them = no jobs available for my son, unquestionably natural-born citizen that my son is.
I am also terrified of the very real possibility of amnesty for illegal Mexicans. I see posts from them saying things like: "Soon you (whites) will be the minority in this country. Then it's gonna be payback time. Get used to it." I am terrified of my children being subject, from La Raza-ists who hate people of European American descent like my children, to murder / something like pogroms.
I do not believe I am insanne. I believe I am very sanely seeing, with my eyes wide open, a very real, very frightening, future for my children.
My pleasure.
"I do not believe I am insanne. I believe I am very sanely seeing, with my eyes wide open, a very real, very frightening, future for my children."
You are not insane. When characters like the above troll call honest whites "insane," they are simply trading insults with no cognitive content. But emotive content is there aplenty. They want to intimidate all whites out of complaining, until the lefties have had sufficient time to bring about a state of affairs, in which resistance truly is futile.
Think of a lobster thrown into a pot of cold water. The water starts to warm up, but it's not a problem, at first. By the time he realizes the water is starting to get boiling hot, he's too weakened to do anything. He can only die.
However, what these trolls have been doing has already been a problem for over 20 years. They have instituted a culture of denunciation, in which an unguarded word gets one fired from one's job, and blacklisted from one's profession. And now they are aggressively moving to the next step, of imprisoning people, just for their opinions.
That's why I have for years recommended that dissidents write under pseudonyms. Hell, even most leftists, like the troll above, do.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The "holocaust" is used by Zionists and multiculturalists as a propaganda weapon: oppose Zionism or the multi-cultural "experiment" and you become Adolph Hitler.
There is a reason that neutral organizations in the concentration camps -- Catholic priests and International Red Cross workers -- didn't see any "holocaust" going on -- it didn't happen.
"The 'holocaust' is used by Zionists and multiculturalists as a propaganda weapon: oppose Zionism or the multi-cultural "experiment" and you become Adolph Hitler."
Start with the truth. We can always argue about what the right thing to do is, but if you start with lies, then all discussions about right and wrong conduct become exercises in absurdity.
"There is a reason that neutral organizations in the concentration camps -- Catholic priests and International Red Cross workers -- didn't see any 'holocaust' going on -- it didn't happen."
First of all, there were several kinds of camps, the many concentration camps (Konzentrationslager), whose numbers eventually ran in the thousands, particularly through the many slave labor camps (Arbeitslagern) and seven death camps (Vernichtungslager), though the Nazis may have used the same name for all (KZ), and all were permeated with death.
In an “ordinary” concentration camp, the prisoners would be slowly worked or starved to death, though some would be beaten to death by the guards. The ordinary KZs were the first, and were for all sorts of political opponents of the Nazis—communists, socialists, etc., but not explicitly for Jews.
(A huge number of KZs that came later, were the slave labor camps.)
The seven death camps, the most notorious of which was Auschwitz-Birkenau, were for killing people, overwhelmingly, but not exclusively Jews (Russian POWs and Gypsies were also murdered there).
There were no “neutral organizations” in the death camps. Whether any visited the original KZs or the slave labor camps I’m not sure, but I’m skeptical about that, too.
I don’t understand Nazis like you. You want all the Jews to be murdered, and yet, when your patron devil murders six million, you lie about and deny it, and then tell supplementary lies (“neutral organizations”).
Characters like you are holding back whites more than any other group, including the SPLC. Millions of whites are inhibited from standing up against the lies and hatred of racial socialism, because they are afraid of being lumped in together with the lies and hatred of national socialists like you.
I lived in the former West Germany from 1980-1985, during which time most of my friends were West Germans, and their fathers had all fought in the War, yet during that period, I never heard anyone who had lived under Hitler deny that the Holocaust had been carried out.
In the late 1980s, the worst that the West German “revisionists” sought to do was claim that Hitler was out of the loop, and didn’t know what his subordinates were up to. None of the ones I’m aware of engaged in Holocaust-denial.
Are you on the take of the SPLC or some similar group?
To my honest readers who can read German, I recommend the following article. It’s from the German-language Wikipedia, which is editorially fully independent of the English-language Pretend Encyclopedia/Wikipedia, and while far from perfect, is much more reliable:
“Konzentrationslager” (I don’t know how to do proper German punctuation on MS Word.)
I really don't believe that we have much to be afraid of. People on both sides (the black and white side) claim that Obama will eventually do them in. Personally, I don't believe that he is going to cater to blacks nor will his presidency change much (for the black collective).
"LorMarie said...
"I really don't believe that we have much to be afraid of. People on both sides (the black and white side) claim that Obama will eventually do them in. Personally, I don't believe that he is going to cater to blacks nor will his presidency change much (for the black collective).
"Monday, January 5, 2009 8:42:00 PM EST"
I hope you're right, but I expect the worst. That blacks would "claim that Obama will eventually do them in" is explicable, to my mind, either as diversionary hyperbole (to make whites think Obama doesn't really pose a danger to them), or the pervasive black race mania that turns everything upside down, so that no matter how well blacks make out, they are still somehow "victims."
St. Edith Stein, a convert, was yanked out of her convent in front of all her fellow sisters by the Nazis. She was later gassed at a concentration camp.
If the idea of a black President offends you so much....why don't you fuckin leave the country??
You always have Israel to go to.
A land stolen from people of color but that's another subject.
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