Did you know that the greatest political site on the Web is currently having a fundraising drive?
I took the liberty of doing a copy-and-paste of the instructions on how to donate oodles of money, since it is presently on a special VDARE front page that will come down soon.
You can donate (tax-deductibly!) by check (click to get form for easier mailing) or credit card—and you can do it monthly if you prefer. ALSO: you can now fax your credit card info! Donations are tax-deductible.
We are delighted see donations of any size—$10, 100, $1,000, $10,000. But we do feel especially good about the larger ones!
If you don’t want to receive the special Spring 2008 VDARE.COM issue of The Social Contract with a donation of $100.00, please email office@vdare.com.
Also available: Last year’s special VDARE.COM issue of The Social Contract [Winter 2006-2007] with a donation of $50.00. Please email office@vdare.com specifying that you would like this gift and giving us the mailing address you would like it sent to. Also available: 3 copies for a $75 donation or 5 for $100
A signed ALIEN NATION to our top donor as a result of this appeal! Current record: $10,000
Guarantee a hard copy ALIEN NATION by donating $1,000
And don't forget - you can give stock! You could help us more at no cost by avoiding capital gains tax! (Email donate@vdare.com for details)
NOTE: VDARE.COM is no longer associated with the Center For American Unity, which plans to focus on litigation. We are grateful for their past help and wish them well in future. Our sponsor is now the VDARE Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity.
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