Monday, October 30, 2023

realtor psy-op in manhattan? real estate agents "predict" booming late-year market, in order to create a self-fulfilling prophecy

By N.S.

"manhattan's stalled office leasing market poised for late-year boom"

"despite commercial real estate’s well-known woes, the deals might augur even larger transactions -- of up to 1 million square feet each -- in 2024, sources said."

This is a psy-op. Both the realtors and the post hope to bring about a self-fulfilling prophecy, issuing in an explosion of office r.e. deals, and r.e. advertising.

I don’t see the art of the con working out, and neither does anyone else here in the comments.


A PC, a good laser multi-function printer/copier/fax, word processing software, a full-blown version of Adobe, and especially the internet give me the ability to work from home thereby avoiding 3-4 hours per day of commuting by car, train and subway. Printer paper and laser cartridges are delivered here, I print my own USPS and FedEx postage. I file papers online.

I have had this ability for about 20 years but it took COVID to cause me to implement this mode of operation.

Keep your Manhattan office space. I’m more comfortable here, carpeted, shoeless, casually dressed. No muggers, shooters or getting shoved in front of a train.

The biggest downsides are the distractions mostly imposed upon me by demanding family members and the inability to gracefully escape from that.

I may shave this week.

• Lars Munson

42 minutes ago

“Availability rate”. This guy really is a cheerleader. I’ll stick with “vacancy”

• Sue

Crime and homeless is the end of office workers in NYC.

• Klammer

• Sure they will be filled with migrants on your dime.

• Rabid Honey Badger

Another Biden Economists Prediction ….There team is 0-39 I’ll take my own risks

1 comment:

  1. What do you do with "migrants"?

    I was listening to wbbm radio today for a bit and the big story was that the owners of an out of business Jewel store donated the empty carcass of a building to the city of Chicago to house illegal invaders who are being bussed in.

    I don't know what area of the city this is,but how would you like to have a building in your neighborhood --all of a sudden--get filled with criminal spic thugs?

    I wouldn't.

