Monday, October 30, 2023

mRNA boosters: even more useless than you thought. A new study shows one in five people who received one got covid…

Alex Berenson from unreported truths <>
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monday, october 30, 2023 at 07:12:18 p.m. edt

mRNA boosters: even more useless than you thought. a new study shows one in five people who received one got covid…

Yeah, you read that right. THREE THINGS AT ONCE! Get the shot, get side effects, get covid. Added bonus: The study is from PFIZER. Remind me why regulators keep these worthless jabs on the market.

Subscribe here for more>mRNA boosters: even more useless than you thought. a new study shows one in five people who received one got covid within two months

Yeah, you read that right. THREE THINGS AT ONCE! Get the shot, get side effects, get covid. Added bonus: The study is from PFIZER. Remind me why regulators keep these worthless jabs on the market.

Alex Berenson
Oct 30

pfizer and other mRNA jab companies have quit doing much covid shot research.

No shock. Sales have collapsed, despite massive ad campaigns. Worse, if new clinical trials find side effects, the companies will be legally required to tell regulators.

All downside, no upside, except the truth. Who needs that? The safest research is none at all.

But in 2022, Pfizer still had hope for its mRNA cash cow. So it ran a trial meant to determine if flu shots and its jab could be given simultaneously. (Yes, this is the scientific foundation for the infamous “two things at once” Travis Kelce ad campaign.)

Pfizer’s researchers quietly published their findings in the journal Infectious Diseases and Therapy last month. The results are intriguing. Though not for the reasons the company intended.

The paper’s design provides a unique placebo-controlled glimpse into the safety and efficacy of mRNA jabs in the Omicron era. Spoiler alert: they are bad. Very bad.


  1. Those responsible for the dangerous and ineffective clot shots should be in jail. It is amazing that anyone is still getting them--but then there are people still supporting Biden.

  2. And it destroys the good bacteria in your digestive system.I posted that a week ago.Without good bacteria,you're not in good health.


  3. I bet it is more than one in five who get Covid. Last spring every week one or two of my wife's students got Covid--some two or even three times--and got other infections in between. They were all vaxed and boosted. Many got sick with other infections in between the Covid bouts--probably because the vax lowers the immune system. One vaxed parent got shingles--a disease which is present in the body but manifests when the immune system is weak. We never caught Covid--probably because we took ivermectin--you know the deadly horse paste which the warnings say will kill you or cause your skin to fall off. Actually ivermectin is one of the safest drugs in the world--far safer than Tylenol, for example.
