Monday, October 30, 2023

nazi profs declare their support for mass murder

By N.S.

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pro-hamas profs declare their support for mass murder | Harrod at jns

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Middle East Forum

pro-hamas profs

declare their support

for mass murder

October 30, 2023

Published originally under the title "Professors Declare Their Support for Mass Murder."

Beshara Doumani (L) of Brown is former president of the terrorist-infiltrated Birzeit Univ. in Ramallah, praised Gaza as a "cradle of anticolonial movements." Noura Erakat of Rutgers, niece of the late PLO leader Saeb Erekat, accused Israel of "genocidal warfare."

Israel is a "genocidal machine," stated Bard College Associate Professor of Human Rights and Middle Eastern Studies Ziad Abu-Rish during an Oct. 20 Jadaliyya webinar. Such anti-Israel vitriol following the brutal Oct. 7 slaughter of 1,400 Israeli civilians by Hamas jihadist terrorists permeated Jadaliyya's "Gaza in Context Teach-In: First Session, Gaza 101."

As the participants' comments demonstrated, the virulently anti-Israel, antisemitic protests raging on campuses nationwide are occurring in an intellectual climate shaped by the hate-filled pronouncements of prominent Middle East studies professors.

Bassam Haddad, director of George Mason University's Middle East and Islamic Studies Program, moderated for Jadaliyya. He introduced the webinar as a response to the supposedly pro-Israel "appalling discourse" among governments and media during this latest Hamas-instigated round of bloodshed.

Continue reading the full article >

Andrew E. Harrod, a Middle East Forum Campus Watch Fellow, freelance researcher and writer, is a fellow with the Lawfare Project. Follow him on twitter: @AEHarrod.


  1. Germans,Muslims--Jews have to learn to choose less obsessively murderous enemies--like maybe,Hawaiians?Or Amish?


  2. Tucker And Farage: Why Aren't Muslim Countries Taking Muslim Refugees?
    ZH has the story.

    GRA:I'll take a stab at it(so to speak).Arab countries DO NOT want to compress--they want to EXPAND.To take in Arabs from other Arab countries defeats the purpose of being Muslim,which is--take over the world

