Monday, January 31, 2022

teaching terror: NYC math teacher Fired for calling on people to slaughter more cops; he insists his call for more terrorism was “Misconstrued,” and that he’s the real victim!

terrorist teach Christopher Flanigan

By N.S.

social media has, in general, been a curse on our once-great republic. However, it has given us a window into the evil souls of so many of the devils controlling the schools, antiversity, and msm. Time was, we rarely learned just what they were saying in classrooms and newsrooms, but now we increasingly know.

“NYC math teacher Loses Job over Cops ‘Reciprocity’ Instagram Post”


  1. A P.o.S. He'll probably get a job at CNN or MSNBC.


  2. I bet his students were all getting a great education. Such an inspiring leader. Not.
