Monday, January 31, 2022

black activist claims to Care about Violence against black females, but Her Real Passion is Her Hatred of White girls and women

By N.S.

For years, black supremacists have complained about how the msm ignore missing and murdered black females, while focusing on White females.

As my old friend and partner-in-crime, David in TN, has long countered, the msm has focused on White females, because of the high likelihood that their killers will turn out to be White men. Meanwhile, the msm have avoided cases of black females, because in almost every case, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that a black perp murdered the vic, and the last thing the msm want to do is draw attention to black violent crime. Indeed, every newsroom today is swarming with black supremacist, affirmative action enforcers, all of them members of the national association of black journalists (nabj) who will raise holy heck, if a reporter or editor tells the truth about the color of crime, and get him cancelled.

Thus, black activists like unwed mother Rosalind Paige, are as phony as a three-dollar bill. black women raise their children, especially their sons, to be ultra-violent, and rage against any policemen who do their jobs, increasingly getting them prosecuted and railroaded in show trials. The last thing a Rosalind Paige wants is to tell the truth—which is hardly a secret—about violence against black girls and women. She doesn’t say a word about who is committing these heinous crimes. Space aliens? White men? Paige claims she wants lawmakers to “make a difference.” By doing what? I’ll tell you what: She wants them to steal additional billions (trillions?) of White taxpayers’ dollars, and fill the pockets of “activists” and “violence interrupters” like Rosalind Paige.

If Paige were serious, she’d travel the country, telling blacks to teach their children to obey the law and stop demonizing Whites and, particularly, White policemen, forsake violence and gangs, and respect law enforcement. As the old saying goes, a half-truth is a whole lie.

But that is not at all what she’s doing.

“Nonprofit that brings Awareness to the Violence that black women and girls face plans to march in DC this September
black femicide US was founded by Rosalind Page in Arkansas and has been raising awareness about the violence against black women since 2015
By Noah A. McGee
1/12/22 1:30PM
The Root

“black femicide us is a non-profit organization that was created in 2015 to track and bring awareness to the violence and murders against black women and girls in the United States, according to their instagram and twitter pages.

“The founder is Rosalind Paige, a nurse and [unwed] mother from Little Rock, Arkansas. She has been researching the killing of black women and girls since 2015 and says a black woman is killed every 10 hours, according to WJLA.

Recently, Paige has noticed a negative change in her research.

Per the story, “In October of 2020 at that point, it was every six hours. And I stated to myself that, ok I can’t just be behind a monitor doing this research for myself. This really needs to start getting out in public. So I started using the hashtag #everysixhours,” she told 7news.

“According to wjla, Paige has started to organize and rally supporters across the country for marches to bring awareness about the constant violence against black women and her next stop is Washington DC in September to call on lawmakers to make a difference.


‘I’m still waiting on the FBI to compile their numbers and if it’s on par with 2020, that means I’m looking at maybe an increase by anywhere from 200 to 250 additional victims,’ Page said…

According to fbi statistics, Page’s research does come close to what they have recorded. In 2020, they reported 1,440 Black women were murdered. Page also discovered last year in the state, 27 of 33 Black women were killed in central Arkansas. She also said in the last couple of years, she’s noticed an increase in domestic violence.

“According to Page, through her black femicide us twitter page, she consistently posts those deaths hoping to help the impacted families from their loss. Recently, Page was recognized by the washington post and msnbc but told katv she prefers her work be kept behind the scenes.

[N.S.: What, a secret activist? Who’s she kidding?

The black supremacist blog, the root, where this “thing” appeared, was founded in 2008 by washington post scion, Donald Edward Graham. In 2015, Graham sold the root to reconquista media company, univision. In 2019, G/O Media Inc., formerly Gawker Media, bought the blog. gawker (Nick Denton) went bankrupt in 2016, after the successful invasion-of-privacy lawsuit launched by “Hulk Hogan” (Terry Bollea), with backing by tech mogul, Peter Thiel, after gawker variously published/linked to a secret pornographic video made of Hogan/Bollea having sex with a woman, without Hogan/Bollea’s permission or knowledge.

Note, too, that msnbc co-owner Bill Gates is a heavy supporter of the root through his advertising dollars, including on the page this “thing” appeared on.]

“Page thinks the overall murder of black people is undercovered and used the disappearance of Gabby Petito as an example. While Petito, a White woman, received national media coverage, Jelani Day and the disappearance of other people of color did not receive as much attention, according to katv….”


  1. I thought that picture was showing the candidates for this years Miss America competition.Might as well be--why would White women even compete against a corrupt system of "judging" that excludes them from winning?.Whites are extras in this show now--and that's about all.


  2. These women don't even look good with masks on,but the ones who are maskless--their faces would stop a tsunami from coming in.

  3. “black femicide us is a non-profit organization that was created in 2015"

    I bet this Rosalind lives rather well as head of here foundation or organization or whatever they call it. Most of the leaders of these non-profits live very nicely. Very little money ever donated gets to folks that need it most.

  4. jerry pdx
    And heaven forbid the subject of black serial killers ever comes up. 75% of all arrested serial killers in the US are black men and black women are their primary victims. But none of these "activists" can be bothered to shine a light on the problem of serial killers in the black community.
