Monday, January 31, 2022

White, Dem, NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Forces black supremacist, Manhattan criminal advocate Alvin Bragg to Sit Down with Her, and Insinuates She’s Ready to Remove Him from Office, If He Doesn’t Stop Aiding and Abetting Felons

By N.S.

“Gov. Hochul Tells Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg ‘Safety and Justice Must Go Hand-in-Hand’ at Sit-Down”

Well, what did Enoch Powell say? You can't give blacks the whip hand.


  1. Do I really believe that?No--more like damage control--with Hochul and associates advising him how he can keep his job.

    "Make it look like I rebuked you."

    "Re...buked?I don't understand--is that a blowj*b?

    "Nooo,sludge for brains,it means I disciplined you."

    "With a paddle?"

    "No(under her breath)Adams really gave us a doozy here."

    "So what's the plan?"

    "The press has to be told I opposed your philosophy on crime--to make me look good,though--being a loyal commie--I support you 100%."


    "You can go--and no more public comments."



    "Are you sure you didn't want somethin' on the side,some of that rebukin'?"

    "I'm sure--get out and send my gay mistress in--I'M KIDDING--GO!"


  2. Too late now. New York state poor governance even after the Eye-tal-e-an gone.
