Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Met with the President after His Acquittal

Kyle Rittenhouse and President Trump

By N.S.

"Kyle Rittenhouse Met with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago after Acquittal"


  1. Everything considered, including that his legal problems may not be over, e.g. the DoJ might yet charge him (with some made up bullshit), if I were Kyle I would keep a low(er) profile for the time being -- albeit I can understand the Carlson interview as a chance to (finally) tell his side of the story, after being libeled and slandered in/by the media since the beginning.

  2. I'm glad that Kyle spoke up about the conditions he faced in jail.

  3. Fortunately, Rittenhouse is not like the rest of us. I would not have entered the riot zone to try to save businesses from the mob. And most of us would have died rather than shooting so well under enormous stress. But fortunately there are a few who are so brave that they do what most of us would not. If it weren't for incredible bravery, a few farmers would not have stood up to the mighty British Empire at Lexington and Concord. We need many more like Rittenhouse if freedom it to survive. But most of us don't want to risk prison or death and give up our nice lives in our snug houses with our families. Things will have to get much worse before people decide things have become intolerable. In the meantime, I hope Rittenhouse and others serve to wake Americans up about the injustices being done to the best of us.

  4. Confusing P.R. moves by his team.What's next--taking jobs at both OAN AND MSNBC?

