Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The media and the cops are Getting Their Lies Straight; They’ve Settled on the Narrative

By Eahilf
Monday, November 22, 2021 at 11:54:00 A.M. EST

Twitter/Matt WalshThey’ve settled on the narrative. They’re really going to try to convince us that Waukesha was unintentional. He was “fleeing the scene of another crime.” ... Bull--it. Don’t let them insult your intelligence. We've seen the video. It was intentional. Now ask yourself why they'd lie

Eahilf: I haven’t seen, and won’t watch, the video.


  1. Now that the charging document is out and publicly accessible, it will be difficult if not impossible to push a false narrative about what actually happened, e.g. that it was unintentional because he was fleeing some other incident -- the doc clearly says a detective working traffic control tried to stop him, and that he was driving slowly before turning directly onto the parade route.

  2. I won't cite the details, but I believe this guy Brooks has a 'diverse' criminal record across several states -- so how did he end up in Waukesha WI?

    link -- Waukesha County District Attorney Sue Opper said in court that Brooks has a criminal record in three states: Wisconsin, Georgia, and Nevada.

    A timeline for his activities and whereabouts would be interesting.
