Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Arbery Case Trial: Judge Walmsley Drops the Ball on Ambiguous Citizen’s Arrest Law

By N.S.

“Apparently the jury is to figure out how to apply a citizen’s arrest law that befuddles the lawyers and judge.”


  1. According to the article, if a law is ambiguous (like the two sentences about citizen's arrest in Georgia law), then its interpretation goes in favor of the defendant. That sounds like a key piece of information to withhold from the jury. I wonder if the judge threw the trial on purpose.

    Pray for the three defendants.

  2. No pressure on the 11-1 White jurors,but the j-boo,Arbery went after the gun(I would have too,if I had half a chance).I find it difficult to believe these guys would have shot him without Arbery trying to take the gun away.Still,with blacks pouring in to influence the jury,it would be a huge upset that the McMichaels aren't convicted of SOMETHING--shouldn't be murder,imho.


  3. It's Wednesday afternoon. I am sorry to report that the two McMichaels and Bryan have been found guilty.

    I am sick to death of black intimidation and threats in trials like this. The fact that the judge withheld key information from the jury didn't help.

  4. >citizen's arrest

    On some sites I see questions about why more people, specifically Whites (white men), weren't helping Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha -- while I won't try to answer that question, one should keep in mind that when acting in the stead of law enforcement you may face criminal and/or civil liability for anything you do -- it would be best to know the law about that in your jurisdiction/state beforehand.

    >Arbery went after the gun

    Yes he did; that's very clear in the video -- so looking at that alone, you'd expect it to be seen as self-defense, which it initially was -- as I asked before: What were they supposed to do? -- let Arbery wrest the weapon away? -- in this sense, Arbery initiated and was responsible for the proximate act that resulted in his death.

    But one question is how the action beforehand, i.e. effectively a citizen's arrest, meaning as private citizens they did detain/deprive Arbery of his freedom, will affect their liability for his later death -- ?


    GRA:Ahmaud Arbery was found guilty of being where he had no business being,acting suspicious,casing houses in a White neighborhood(for future theft)and instigating a situation that led to an altercation--which lead to a fatality(his).

    The attempt to grab the gun lead to a life or death struggle--and because of the politics of the current day,will ultimately send the three White men--attempting to protect their neighborhood--to prison for 20 years to life.

    GRA:Jogging,my a**.


  6. This is an audicious example of media gaslighting, pretending that this scumbag thief Aubrey was "jogging" the lying is insane. It's a world turned upside down where three decent homeowners are cast as the villain and the criminal is beatified. The devil himself couldn't have reported it any different than these communist enemies in the press. This is as if they portrayed Scott Peterson's dumb criminal lie as if he really were "just out fishing in the bay" the day he dumped is wife's body, or take seriously Larry Craig's "wide stance." 9 treasonous white women were on the jury, doesn't the parable of Eve falling for the serpent's lies and biting into the apple make sense now? Could you imagine a Palestinian jury turning on one of their own? A jury of Poles or Hungarians in occupied Eastern Europe siding with the Russians over their own men? We already know what the black jury did in the OJ Case. These white women are ensuring they won't have any decedents living here in 500 years. In post war France women like that would get their heads shaved so everyone knew about their shameful behavior.
