Saturday, October 23, 2021

Last Natango in D.C.: Dragging of a D.C. Cop by Raceless Driver

[Re: “More on Dragging of D.C. Cop by Raceless Driver.”]

By Eahilf
Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 6:26:00 A.M. EDT

Reads like something out of the Keystone Cops – an episode that should be incorporated into the curriculum of the police academy as an example of what not to do.

The incident began just after 4:30 p.m. when patrolling officers were flagged down by a person on the block who said that they witnessed a man chasing another person with a gun, Chief Contee said. ... Officers then encountered the suspect and realized he was, in fact, armed, Contee said.

So the suspect is armed – there’s a chase, then a struggle, and somehow a cop ends up in the back seat of a vehicle with the suspect driving – is the suspect still armed?

“The officer was in the rear seat of the vehicle pleading with the person to please stop, please stop, please stop,” Contee said.

Mentally speculating about the sex of this officer.

The officer then shot the suspect and jumped out of the moving car.

OK – I guess after shooting the driver, jumping out of a moving vehicle is theoretically an option.

I’ve said before that I regard the uptick in homicides among America’s black ghetto thug caste as a feature, not a bug, of blm/2020.

But another aspect of this is that cops are today no doubt more reluctant to use their weapons, even in situations where they should, and earlier rather than later – for this one can blame politicians and police brass for not strongly supporting cops on the beat who have to make these difficult decisions during dangerous situations, in real-time, when the adrenaline is pumping.

By Eahilf
Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 5:56:00 P.M. EDT


Natango Robinson, 35, of Southeast, D.C., allegedly fled a police stop and drove away in a Jeep while an officer was in the back seat


  1. Before searching for weapons they usually say "keep your hands on the steering wheel". Being dragged by a speeding car is having lethal forced used. Now if the driver did not have a firearm the negro agitators would count this as an UNARMED negro being shot by the cops.

  2. "Last Natango in D.C."--starring Marlon Wayans--instead of Marlon Brando--a nig film through and through.

