Saturday, October 23, 2021

Philly Authorities and msm Have Sent the black illegal alien Train Rapist Story to Re-Write

[Re: “Philly Train Rapist is Illegal Alien Criminal Protected from Deportation by Democrats: More on the black african Invader Who Raped a Woman on the Philly Septa, and Said She Wanted It: Updates on the Case the msm Would Like to Forget.”]

By David in TN
Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 4:06:00 P.M. EDT

The msm and authorities are now using double-talk and evasiveness, regarding the Philadelphia train rape. Now the other passengers were not “callously indifferent” but watched without intervening.

Supposedly, the passengers didn’t film the attack, but one gave film to the authorities.

N.S.: The new story is a “tell,” inadvertently confirming what, I believe, David in TN previously reported: The witnesses were all blacks and other non-Whites.


  1. As we've noted for years the authorities are slow in releasing details or don't give them at all. It took nearly two years to find out the murder of Tessa Majors was caught on video surveillance.

    One news story said the victim had mistakenly gotten on the wrong train. This brings up interesting possibilities. This angle has yet to be explored.

  2. Not doing a thing can be reasonably described as callously indifferent.

  3. Rapist On a Train: Update

    The Philadelphia Inquirer has a story ( today (Monday)on the train rapist.

    "An off-duty SEPTA employee called 911 just before 10 pm on Oct. 13, according to police. The initial call came in as a man undressing on the train."

    "Within three minutes, a Transit Police officer boarded the train and discovered a rape in progress, authorities said. Fiston Ngoy, 35, was taken into custody and charged with rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and related offenses."

    "After the crime was reported, Upper Darby Police Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt said other people mon the train failed to act."

    "On October 21, Delaware County District Attorney, Jack Stollsteimer (David In TN: He is a Soros DA) called a news conference to push back on that narrative."

    "Stollsteimer said it was 'simply not true' that passengers sat by and ignored a rape in progress."

    David In TN: It WAS true. Stollsteimer has admitted there was one cell phone video from a "bystander" and surveillance video from SEPTA. The only person to call 911 was an off-duty SEPTA employee. None of the other passengers did so, some surveillance video shows them filming the attack.

    "Ngoy is scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing in the case in Upper Darby on Nov. 8."
