Saturday, October 23, 2021

Fake new york post Headline: "Rape on Philadelphia Train Echoes NYC’s Notorious Kitty Genovese Murder"

By David in TN


  1. >Kitty Genovese Murder

    True story: years ago I read an account of this crime; it was the first time I'd seen any details, although the name Kitty Genovese was vaguely familiar -- later I went to the Wikipedia page about it (here), and saw right away there was no mention that her killer, Winston Moseley, is black (he was still alive back then) -- so I did a very simple edit to add this info; I don't remember whether I said her killer was a 'black man' or an 'African-American', but I did add an edit comment to say it was just a bit more factual info about the crime -- anyway, within a few hours my edit was removed -- I'm sure if you go back far enough in the revision history of the page you can find it.

    It's a moot point now because since then a foto of Moseley was added (it definitely was not there at the time).

  2. Kitty Genovese was a prolonged incident. First attack last what was it, forty-five minutes. Then the bad guy left and then came back for the "kill".

  3. GRA'S,"NIG*ER OF THE WEEK"--pointing out the most vile of blacks who break our laws in this country.

    GRA:This week,not only the rapist Ngoy,but the negro passengers,who did nothing to stop it.
    (NYPOST)Last week, a young woman boarded an evening commuter train at around 9:15 in Philadelphia. Fiston Ngoy, a homeless man(GRA:immaterial),fixated on her. He began to harass her and touch her. This behavior continued for approximately 45 minutes. Bystanders ignored the commotion. Finally, Ngoy reportedly tore off the woman’s clothes and raped her in the train car. The bystanders did not ignore the rape, but neither did they help the woman(GRA:That's ignoring). Instead, according to police, they held up their phones and filmed the crime. (Delaware County District Attorney Jack Stollsteimer disputes this version of events, claiming that the crime was not widely recorded by passengers, though he did not deny that no one stepped forward to help the victim.)

