Monday, July 19, 2021

On Heels of DACA Ruling, Dallas Rally Calls for Massive, Nation-Breaking, Amnesty for Third-World Criminals, aka Comprehensive Immigration Reform

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Jul 19, 2021 3:39 p.m.

On Heels of DACA Ruling, Dallas Rally Calls for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Flies the flag and gives us the finger.

Works off the books.

Big truck.

Illegitimate children on public assistance.

This country is a joke.


  1. The guy in article's photo, along with all other illegals, should go home and change their beloved homelands into better places.

  2. I too agree with comprehensive immigration reform. No more immigration at all and ship all the illegals back to where they came from. NOW.

  3. Two posts I agree 100% with.Unfortunately,no one in government--either Dem or Repub--agree with us.

