Monday, July 19, 2021

msm Refuse to Review Charles Murray’s New Book, in Spite of His Earlier Sucking Up to Them

By Nicholas Stix

Steve Sailer discusses the refusal of most msm outlets to review Charles Murray’s new book on race, I.Q., and crime.

Charles Murray is, to be sure, one of the most important social scientists alive, so this is not good news. On the other hand, his years-long triangulation campaign, sucking up to his enemies, has me crying crocodile tears for him.

According to reviewer F. Roger Devlin, Murray wrote his book, The State of White America (not to be confused with my earlier, eponymous report), in which he crapped all over working-class, White men, just so that his msm/antiversity enemies would again consent to review his books. How’d that work out for him?

Then he crapped all over Trump in 2016, even though he supported Trump’s positions.

And Murray confessed, nay bragged, several years ago, in a speech at AEI to fudging the numbers on the heritability of IQ in The Bell Curve. (“It was fun”--oops, wrong perp.)

If only he consistently believed in truth, instead of caste privilege.

The only thing that’s for sure is that the Right is a bloody mess—intellectually, morally, politically, you name it. Everyone’s running around with one bloody knife in his hand, and a second knife in his own back.

Irwin Edmonds used to say of academia, “The backbiting is so bad, because the stakes are so low.” I’m no longer so sure about the second part.

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