Monday, July 19, 2021

As South Africa Explodes in black Violence, Civil Rights Activist Warns America to Brace for Similar Impact

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jul 18, 2021 10:35 p.m.

As South Africa Explodes in Racial Violence, Civil Rights Activist Warns America to Brace for Similar Impact

ATR: I only have to visit a South African business located a few blocks from me to get the straight scoop on South Africa.

“There’s a bit of a brain drain,” said the white, South African woman to me a few years ago.

She was a cashier at the Plano Trader Joe’s.

I had said to her, “South African?”

“Yes, how did you know?”


  1. I'll call the US,North Africa.Not too creative,but the truth.North Mexico too.


  2. "Civil Rights Activist Warns America to Brace for Similar Impact"

    Been going on in the USA for a long time. Now just the pace has picked up markedly.
