Monday, July 19, 2021

George Soros & Bill Gates Lead Buyout of UK Covid Testing Company

By R.C.
Mon, Jul 19, 2021 2:22 p.m.

George Soros & Bill Gates Lead Buyout of UK Covid Testing Company George Soros & Bill Gates lead buyout of UK Covid testing company —

RT Business News

R.C.: Nothing to see here folks.

Move along.

Move along.


  1. Who would trust Bill Gates or George Soros with any aspect of their medical care? They could alter tests to get the outcome they want--or they could infect people--after all Bill Gates wants to reduce the population of the world. He has come right out and said so--and even said he wants to use vaccines to accomplish it.

  2. Purely theoretical,but...

    If Soros/Gates offered you $100,000 to shut down NSU and never start another blog--would you do it?

    Tough call,as Biden could decide to shut it down without a money offer.


  3. I don't know Stix personally, but from his history, I don't think he could be bought. After all, if he wanted to sell out for money he could have made a lot as an establishment journalist.
