Sunday, November 27, 2016

More Murder, Mayhem, Mexicans and Misogyny: In San Antonio, “Man” is Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Walmart Good Samaritan

By A Texas Reader

Man arrested in connection with deadly Walmart shooting

The San Antonio Police Department has arrested Teles Mandan Juarez in connection with the deadly shooting that happened at a San Antonio Walmart on Friday.

Good Samaritan killed in deadly Walmart shooting identified

The man killed in a deadly Walmart shooting on Friday has been identified as 39-year-old Isidro Zarate, a father of four.


  1. Remember to check out the immigration status.

  2. Breaking news on Fox:Active shooter on the Ohio State campus.

  3. Update:Man wielding butcher knife injures 9.Was not a shooting.Sounds like a dissatisfied Isis citizen to me.

  4. Another Somali with a knife.18 year old--not natural born citizen.Final update.
