Sunday, November 27, 2016

Chicago: Blacks Celebrate Thanksgiving by Shooting 35 People: 4 Dead, 31 Wounded

By Reader-Researcher RC

Police: 4 killed, 31 wounded in Thanksgiving weekend shootings

At least 35 people have been shot, four fatally, in attacks across the city over Thanksgiving weekend, according to Chicago police.

1 comment:

  1. Not enough.My over/under was 10 dead and 56 wounded.Those "famlee" gatherings usually don't stay peaceful in the da black
    I always laugh when they have the shootings around here.
    "Shooting reported--no victims found at the scene,but 2 hours later,a person was dropped off at the local hospital.Police disclosed that when they interviewed him,he refused to answer questions."
    Copy and paste for 99% of them.
