Tuesday, October 01, 2024

"post-bombing analysis of iran’s missile attack on Israel today"

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
tuesday, october 1, 2024 at 5:01:00 p.m. edt

“(zh) prime minister Netanyahu says iran made a big mistake tonight and will pay for it.

“common estimates show the attack on Israel involved at least 180 ballistic missiles. the pentagon says about 200, or about twice the size of the prior April attack.

“the waves of launches constituted the largest missile strike on Israel by Iran in history.

“irgc is claiming that 90% of missiles successfully hit their targets in Israel.

“there were confirmed strikes on the ground, but no official casualties reported.

“Israel's emergency authorities have lifted all restrictions, and people in tel aviv have emerged from bomb shelters and returned to the streets.

“white house says iranian attack on Israel apparently ‘defeated and ineffective.

“Sullivan says there will be consequences for the attack, and U.S. is consulting Israel on next steps or a potential response

axios’ Barak Ravid has told cnn that he expects major Israeli retaliation strikes on iran to come within the next several hours.

“iranian state tv says hypersonic fatah missiles were used in the attack.

“iran’s president on x stated he does not seek war but will face any threat from Israel firmly.”

[N.S.: He’s waging war on Israel, but “he does not seek war”?]

“iran has said it gave no prior warning to U.S., but it did consult with russia.

“the idf is vowing to ‘strike powerfully’ at targets in the middle east.”



Anonymous said...

"If you want your world war III,you can keep your world war III. "

Throw in the dock strike and we have quite a lead up,going into the elections.


Anonymous said...


The first question,on the mideast,was all Vance. The guy is cool as a frozen cucumber. I've seen him against the commie witches on the Sunday talk shows--good practice for this. Walz tried a roundhouse "left" on Trump,but missed.
Round one: Vance 10-8


Anonymous said...

Climate Change:
Which is a matter of opinion.
Round 2:A draw.

Immigration:A rehash of what we've heard. Walz accused Trump of throwing out the immigration bill. Vance said,"Harris,for three years,undid the Trump border policy."

Round 3:Vance 10-9.


Anonymous said...

The Economy:
Vance and Walz attacked each other's plans.Walz said,"Trump tax cuts went to the top 1%." That's false,because we all know--at refund time--all of us got more money back,thanks to those tax cuts. In 2025,Harris/Walz will let that expire.

Vance said,"Any plan that Harris has,should have been enacted the last 3 1/2 years."

Round 4:A lot of bickering,but Vance gets the slight 10-9 score.


Anonymous said...

Both defended their positions with vigor. You can't rattle Vance. Walz pushed the "freedom for women to decide(whether or not to kill their kid)their health options
Round 5:A tie.

It's a fact that since Roe v Wade,White demographics have declined precipitously.

Vance:Mex guns are coming across the border--we need to protect schools.

Walz:What Vance says doesn't go far enough. Some weapons need to be eliminated. Do you want your schools to be like a fort?

Vance said,"a lot of our gun problems are in "big cities"(nig cities).

Round 6:10-9 Vance.


Anonymous said...

Inflation and housing:
Vance said,"the millions of unchecked immigrants coming in are causing a shortage in housing."
(And I believe other food,insurance and service inflation.)
Walz said,"That's not true. "

Vance was asked,"What studies back you up on that thinking?"

He said,"A federal reserve study,which we'll release after the debate."

It's supply and demand--imho--period.

Round 8:10-9 Vance.

Vance was asked about "Trump's plan."
No real answer,though he said,that's something Congress and the President can work on--give and take.

Walz was fired up,talking about healthcare--which is a Dem strength.
Round 9: Walz 10-9.


Anonymous said...

Child care:
A Dem issue they love to talk about--lots of money going to social programs. They're good at it.

Round 10:Walz a slight 10-9 edge.

Walz rammed Trump about 1/6,while Vance said Trump told protesters,"to protest peacefully "

They argued about semantics concerning censorship,but it all went back to 1/6/21. Walz did have Vance on his heels about whether he thought Trump lost in 2020.

Round 11:Walz 10-9.


Anonymous said...

Final result:After a near knockdown of Walz in the first round,Vance held off a hard charging Walz--no slouch either at this. Vance was calm and I gave him the decision 7 rounds to 3 with two ties.