Saturday, July 06, 2024

“bIDEN DID HIMSELF NO FAVORS,” IN abc INTERVIEW —hollywood reporter

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, july 6, 2024 at 12:19:00 a.m. edt

George Stephanopoulos repeatedly hammered [fake] president biden with questions on his mental state and whether he is fit for what is ultimately one of the most demanding jobs in the world. after years at it, could it have taken a toll on him?

“biden replied, ‘I think it cost me a bad night.’ the president [sic] then listed elements of his plans for the country if he were to be reelected, but not before saying, ‘I don’t believe we’re a country of losers. I don’t think America is in tough shape.

“‘this next term, I’m going to make sure we straighten out the tax system, make sure we’re in a situation where we have health care for all people, or in a position where we have child care and elder care,’ he said. ‘free up and [?] all these things.”

[N.S.: elder care?]

“towards the end of the interview, in which Biden stumbled a number of times and like on the night of the debate, seemed to confuse his words and jump around in his answers, he was asked how he’d feel if after he put up the fight of his life for reelection and lost, leaving the country with the man he’s warned against so harshly.

“‘if Trump wins in november, I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and did the goodest [?] job I know I could do, that’s what it’s all about,’ he said.

GRA: I didn't watch it because I don’t need convincing one way or another about biden’s mental acuity.


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