Saturday, December 02, 2023

michigan mom wakes up from FIVE-YEAR coma

By R.C.

saturday, december 2, 2023 at 11:41:21 p.m. est

michigan mom wakes up from FIVE-YEAR coma. doctors thought she would never recover from after horror [sic] car crash to attend her son's high school senior night - as she begins journey to walk again. [N.S.: "Horror" is a noun; the writer needed an adjective.]

"a michigan mother awoke from a five-year-long coma following a catastrophic car accident in time to attend her son's senior night football game.


Anonymous said...

Not close to the 46,000 year old Mel Brooks worm in terms of length of unconsciousness but this woman probably had 2 or 3 kids during her guys love having sex with comatose(or dead)females


Anonymous said...

I am really surprised that the doctors and hospitals so in love with death didn't manage to pull the plug and let her die. I wonder if her family had to fight to keep her alive? More details are needed.