Sunday, May 21, 2023

BREAKING: Trump Social Media Company Seeks Nearly $4 Billion in Damages from Washington Post

By Prince George’s County Ex-Pat
sun, may 21, 2023 7:14 p.m.

BREAKING: Trump Social Media Company Seeks Nearly $4 Billion in Damages from Newspaper Publication

And to think I delivered the Post as a teenager many, many years ago.


Anonymous said...

Transgender SCOTUS judge,Josephine Roberts will hear the case personally.He/she will also represent WAPO.

I kid,but that's about what Trump is up against in the court system.


Anonymous said...

"There's so much evidence": Former Trump White House lawyer predicts he will "go to jail"

"I think this is a tight obstruction case," said attorney Ty Cobb

(CNN)Former Trump attorney predicted that the former president will "go to jail" for mishandling classified documents.

Ty Cobb, a White House lawyer from 2017 to 2018, in an interview with CNNon Thursday, discussed the National Archive's recent decision to hand over 16 records to the Justice Department that show Trump knew he was not allowed to take documents to his residence.

"I would not necessarily expand the case to try to prove the Espionage Act piece of it because there is so much evidence of guilty knowledge on the espionage piece that all they really have to do is show that Trump moved these documents at various times when DOJ was either demanding them or actually present, that he filed falsely with the Justice Department, had his lawyers file falsely with the Justice Department, an affidavit to the effect that none existed—which was shattered by the documents that they then discovered after the search—and the many other misrepresentations that he and others have made on his behalf with regard to his possession of classified documents," Cobb said.

"I think this is a tight obstruction case," Cobb added. "Yes, I do think he will go to jail on it."

GRA:"One way or another,
They're gonna get ya."
It's all lining up.They're trying to drive Trump to off himself,imho.


Anonymous said...

GRA:A negro is a negro--do not vote for him.Soon,many blacks will be running as fake GOPers to go against black Dems.That's the game,to imitate a Republican and by being the only black,have the advantage(he thinks)vs White GOPers.The other part of the plan is,as in Georgia's Senate race,to have no Whitey's allowed on the final election.

Choose your black--lose,lose for Whitey.

(Bloomberg)US Senator Tim Scott formally entered the 2024 presidential race on Monday, launching a long-shot bid with Wall Street support to move Republicans away from the grievance-laced politics of Donald Trump.

GRA:If you don't run for office with grievances--then why are you running?