Thursday, July 21, 2022

More on texas’ neighborhood’s rejection of section 8 criminals

[Previously: “a neighborhood’s new anti-section 8 rules will push many black residents out of a north texas suburb”]

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 2:07:00 P.M. EDT

Cut and pasted two sections from the article:

“Then Threats’ sister turned her attention to the suburbs north of Dallas and Fort Worth. The rent was affordable, and according to her sister’s research, crime was low. Threats said she applied to live in more than 100 houses and apartments, but none would accept her. Texas is one of the few states that allows landlords to reject renters if they receive housing vouchers.”

[Crime was low? Yeah, now it is but just wait until her little juvenile delinquent sprogs get a little older.]

“In the months after Threats moved in, homeowners began to turn against the neighborhood’s section 8 renters — who are predominantly black. In private facebook groups, they increasingly blamed tenants for a perceived uptick in criminal activity in providence village.”

[“Perceived”? We have had the same thing here in suburban pdx, when section 8 housing got built. Shootings, robberies, sexual assaults shot up and the faces of the perps were usually black. No “perceived” about it, they commit more crime. These woke articles use words like “perceived” to make it seem like Whites are being racist and unreasonable. No, they’re not, they’re being realistic].

1 comment:

  1. Racial fights all the time in the local high school where I live. But not as you think. Black versus black violence. Local kids versus Section 8 kids brought into the area from the inner city of Chicago. White and Spanish speaking kids caught between the two groups.
