Thursday, July 21, 2022

this morning, fake president Biden tested positive for covid-19

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 11:30:00 A.M. EDT

(ZH) This morning, President Biden tested positive for covid-19.

[GRA: Why—the vaxx doesn’t work?]

He is fully vaccinated and twice boosted and experiencing very mild symptoms.

[GRA: So the vaxx doesn’t work.] He has begun taking Paxlovid.

[GRA: Why—the vaxx doesn’t work?]

Consistent with cdc guidelines, he will isolate at the white house and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time. He has been in contact with members of the white house staff by phone this morning, and will participate in his planned meetings at the white house this morning via phone and zoom from the residence.

[GRA: Why—the vaxx won’t prevent other people from catching it?]

consistent with white house protocol for positive covid cases, which goes above and beyond cdc guidance, he will continue to work in isolation until he tests negative. Once he tests negative, he will return to in-person work.

[GRA: Which is never, anyways.] Out of an abundance of transparency, the White House will provide a daily update on the president’s status, as he continues to carry out the full duties of the office while in isolation.

[GRA: “Full duties”? For Biden, that means staring into space while meetings occur around him.]

the standard protocol for any positive case at the white house, the white house medical unit will inform all close contacts of the president during the day today, including any members of congress and any members of the press who interacted with the president during yesterday’s travel.

the president’s last previous test for covid was tuesday, when he had a negative test result.

GRA: My theory, on “mild symptoms” being the result of the vaxx, is that the suggestion of such a correlation is not provable. In fact, people who DON’T get vaxxed—and get covid—ALSO have mild or no symptoms.

If this is even true, he may have other medical problems popping up (other than what we see) that he needs treatment for.



  1. jerry pdx
    Pack of Shaniqua's take on Arab family at the Magic Kingdom!

    According to the article one of the women left to retrieve a forgotten phone and the other group took exception to her reclaiming her spot in line. It's unclear which did what...but does it matter?

    My favorite part is where the Arab guy in the green shirt almost casually sucker punches one of the she-boons that had been flailing on him with another sista moments earlier. You can hear the Arabs calling them animals and monkeys in the background...LOL! Good stuff.

    I think this gives me an idea for a new Disney exhibition...I could watch this s*&%t all day.

  2. jerry pdx
    Is this connected somehow with Dr. Fauci recently stating that "vaccines don't protect overtly well to prevent infection"?
    Misstatement of course, the vaccines don't protect at all against infection, as the CDC director announced publicly almost two years ago.

  3. "Why—the vaxx doesn’t work?"

    Not a vaxxx as we have ordinarily understood a vaxxx. I was so elated to get my first two shots. I was going to live. Never thought I would have to fear the virus after my second shot. I was wrong. Do not let fear however rule your life and I am not.


    (ZH)At least it isn’t cancer. The remarkable thing about Biden’s purported cancer “gaffe” - apart from (incorrectly?) saying he has cancer - is that he didn’t notice he said he has cancer. A normal mind might correct itself after making such a seismic error. Biden didn’t comprehend the significance of his statement. He just continued mumbling along, reading words off a screen as fast as he could before getting out of that riverfront hellscape.

    GRA:Does he have cancer instead of covid--or does he have both?Or neither--maybe it's something else(advanced Alzheimers).Maybe he'll be isolated for a long,long,time--until the big announcement comes.

    "Kamala Harris has succeeded Joseph Biden as POTUS--and will be your President for 10 more years.Hillary Clinton will be the Vice President,in order to assist the President,in any way possible.


  5. "Kamala Harris has succeeded Joseph Biden as POTUS--and will be your President for 10 more years"

    If the 2022 goes bad for the Dems you might well see it happen. That might have well been planned out from the start.
