Sunday, May 01, 2022

Meet Silent George Takei

George Takei

“There’s much talk these days of what being a man entails. I’m more of a man than someone like Tucker Carlson will ever be because I have experienced grave injustice yet chosen the path of compassion, truth and forgiveness. It’s a quiet strength he’ll never know.”

N.S.: Silent George.

Not to mention that affirmative action baby George Takei has, to my knowledge, not experienced grave injustice, nor has he chosen “the path of compassion, truth, and forgiveness.”

George, take your irony supplements!


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
George spent time in an internment camp as a child. That's the grave injustice he would point to if challenged. But George is a dishonest professional victim. I learned more about him when he was the announcer for the Howard Stern show, he spoke in details about his experience in the internment camp. He described it as "fun" for a kid, like a big adventure with lots of kids to play with and a barracks that felt like summer camp.
We hear plenty about US internment camps, but as usual, the vast network of Japanese internment camps across the Pacific theater set up by the Japanese to incarcerate Westerners caught in occupied territories is ignored. I recall many years ago reading an article about Westerners held in those camps and their stories detailed varying treatment by the Japanese, some camps were fairly benign, others horrific with slave labor, summary executions, starvation and torture. In some cases nobody knows what happened in certain camps because the Japanese liquidated the prisoners to cover up their atrocities.
It's very difficult to find any information about these camps, I can't find that old article I read from years ago and can only find fragmented references to Japanese internment online. There are references to a few books that were written about Japanese interment camps many years ago but they appear to be out of print and hard to find. Unlike anything that reinforces supposed "White racism", non White racism toward Whites is not marketable. If you search for Japanese internment camps online you will get hit after hit of stories about US internment of Japanese but it takes some creative searching to finally get a little information about Japanese internment camps, I suspect it has been suppressed because it does not reinforce PC ideology.

Here is a list of Japanese run internment camps from Wiki:

Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Here is an article about Japanese covert lethal human experiments that went on from about 1935 to 1945:
The article references how prisoners of war and interned people, even children, were experimented on.

From the article:

Thousands of men, women, children, and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often performed without anesthesia and usually lethal.[25][26] In a video interview, former Unit 731 member Okawa Fukumatsu admitted to having vivisected a pregnant woman.[27] Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body.[

PC sanitized history can't stop referencing Dr. Mengele and Nazi human experiment atrocities but ignores that the Japanese had their own human experiment program. That sort of information might have had some use as propaganda during the war or right after but when the Japanese became allies to the US, it was disappeared.

Bradley Morris said...

What goes over everyone's heads that these internment camps were a neccesity at the time to protect the Japanese from public backlash.

Anonymous said...

"It’s a quiet strength he’ll never know.”

And of course George has just an abundance of quiet strength.

And how well exactly does George know Tucker to know Tucker does not have quiet strength?

Anonymous said...

At one time too there was talk [never materialized} about trading American citizens as held by the Japanese for those in the internment camps. About half those in the American internment camps were solely Japanese citizens.