Tuesday, April 05, 2022

More Death-Dealing from the Disney Brand

By A Colleague
Tue, Apr 5, 2022 5:42 p.m.

More Death-Dealing from the Disney Brand

Instead of AIDS, this product can cause cancer.

Obviously marketed to kids. A pattern has emerged here!



Anonymous said...

Sing this in your best Jiminy Cricket voice.

When you use our Disney soap
This confirms you are a dope
Cancer is a side effect--
Too late for you.

Chemicals we mix inside,
Our soapmakers--most have died.
You will soon be joining them
Too late to sue.

Fate's unkind.
"You should have used the Dove,"

Our disclaimer's on the wall,
We're not liable at all.
You can try--you'll never win
--No chance for you.



Pip said...

It is an excellent metaphor.