Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Are Names Destiny, or are Parents (or the Lack thereof) Destiny? Super-Predator Vito Corleone, 15, Shot in Florida; “Cha-Ching,” as His Womb-Donor Hears Coming Ghetto Lottery Payout!

The real Godfather was a fake person, as played by The Bum, better known as Marlon Brando

By N.S.

“Vito Corleone-Venisee was charged with aggravated assault, possession of a firearm by a minor and resisting an officer without violence.” His defense attorney, Jarlens Princilis, asserts that because the young Godfather was shot in the back, he’s the crime victim. Corleone will get a passel of free crimes (but not free to his many victims), will live, for a time, during which time he will enjoy millions of dollars of prime medical care, all at White taxpayers’ expense, but will live out his days as a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down.

My legions of racial socialist readers will surely complain about my phrase, “a passel of free crimes,” that The Godfather only had a few charges against him. To them I respond, in advance, Don Corleone was only 15. Thus, most of his crimes would be under seal, as having been committed by a juvenile offender.

Plus, we never seem to hear of many arrests of persistent felony offenders at any age, these days, and of even fewer convictions. Even when the msm report that a middle-aged black felon killed by his targeted vic (a Johns Hopkins student in 2009) in self-defense had forty-odd arrests on his resume, that left off thousands of crimes. And when Freddie Gray inadvertently caused hi sown death, while in the back of a police van in 2015, by repeatedly throwing himself against the van’s frame, as already planning an extortionary lawsuit against the Baltimore City, his criminal record showed many arrests without dispositions. (Gray’s family already had a history of fraudulent lawsuits against landlords, aided and abetted by the msm, academia, and the civil attorney mafia, claiming that their intelligence had been harmed by living in houses with lead-based paint. Since there were no records of IQ tests for the criminals, and academia had violently suppressed knowledge of racial IQ differentials, the Gray “family’s” victims had no way of defending themselves. (It would be more honest to speak of Freddie Gray being part of a criminal association than a family.) Gray likewise sought to benefit from generations of academic/msm “racial profiling” hoaxes.

The fake "Godfather" is a real person

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"their intelligence had been harmed by living in houses with lead-based paint."

The colored kids peel the paint off the wall of the project and eat it. Or live in Flint MI where they get poisoned from the lead in the water. Turn the cold water on for a minute, you get no lead poisoning.