Saturday, January 01, 2022

You Might be a Wetback…

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, January 1, 2022 at 1:33:00 A.M. EST

You might be a wetback...

If 12 of you are crammed into a two-bedroom house in old Garland, Texas.

You might be a wetback, if you kiss your daughter, niece, cousin more passionately than you kiss your wife.

You might be a wetback, if after moving into your latest Section 8 house, you notice mice pulling into your driveway—in tiny U-Hauls—as well.

You might be a wetback, if your family dog lives outside, but comes into the house to poop.

You might be a wetback, if the concept of “sober,” is having had only six beers that night.

You might be a wetback, if the grandkids your daughter keeps having—look just like you.

You might be a wetback, if you consider bags of garbage piling up in your living room—furniture.


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