Saturday, January 01, 2022

First Post of 2022: With Hope and Boldness

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Saturday, January 1, 2022 at 1:02:00 A.M. EST

First post of 2022. My fingers are crossed for something electrifying to occur this year, something unexpected—to change the path (and mindset) of this country—from the one it’s currently on. Something to snap Whites—of all ages—out of their doldrums and focus on taking back what is ours.

We owe nothing to blacks, illegals, or immigrants who are here—or the others who desire to invade us from the four corners of the Earth. They did not start this country—our White forefathers did. To willingly destroy your own race for some fantasy philanthropic reason of improving the lives of foreigners—by allowing them to pour into the United States is bizarre at best, and shortsighted at worst.

One country cannot save the world—every nation however, can save itself.

We should start immediately.


1 comment:

  1. "My fingers are crossed for something electrifying to occur this year"

    I thought and hoped the same thing after 9/11. Surely the illegal aliens crossing the border at a minimum would be brought under control. But no. What will wake up your average everyday American. I fear something even worse than 9/11 by magnitudes. Government however so inept with any sort of reaction I fear almost nothing is going to happen.
