Saturday, January 01, 2022

Fake Story on 1/6 on abc’s good morning america, Peddled dnc Talking Points

By N.S.

The perp was a gma fake news reporter, Mary Alice Parks.

Parks opened by speaking of the “deadly” insurrection, which she asserted took five lives, as if the demonstrators, rather than the Capitol police, had murdered people. Parkes hung out with a White, democrat congressman from Michigan, Dan Kildee, for an exceedingly long time for such a thin story.

The drama queen was talking as if the demonstration inside the Capitol had just ended five minutes ago, and his diaper was still wet. He spoke of having spoken to his wife during the demonstration, as if he’d been on a hijacked jetliner on 9/11, and was about to die. He spoke of expecting a major gunfight to break out—reminiscent of Sandy Cortez, who hadn’t even been in the building at the time, but who lied about it. Kildee took one cheap shot after another at Republicans, lying and saying that they had lied about the election, and that he’d lost respect for them forever.

Parks then spoke with a young, black, congressional staffer, who asserted that the 1/6 demonstrators had given America, the world’s leading democracy, a black eye abroad.


  1. jerry pdx
    Is there any story on GMA that doesn't peddle dnc talking points? At least the ones that purport to be "serious". Painful stuff to watch, I flash by those shows sometimes and outside of the occasional celeb interview (if they find somebody halfway interesting) I can't watch it too long. Of course all those daytime shows are the same: The Talk, The View...all dominated by far left ideologues and have a higher ratio of negro hosts every year. The only network daytime show I find watchable anymore is maybe something like Jerry Springer, which is idiotic, but at least it's honestly idiotic.

  2. These people have lied so much about everything for so long that I am beginning to despair. Like fish living in the sea, that do not know what water is and do not know they are wet, we swim in a sea of their agitprop. If we saw truth, would we recognize it, or would we flop helpless and bug-eyed, unable to comprehend, like a fish hauled out of the water to see it from above?
