Saturday, January 01, 2022

In Refusal-to-Die Incident during a "Routine Traffic Stop," Cops Kill Moslem Who Pointed a Gun at Them

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Sat, Jan 1, 2022 12:43 p.m.

The attorney general's office says Osman Sesay, 27, was shot by police after he pointed a gun at officers during a traffic stop in Silver Spring. He was pulled over because police were searching for the suspect in a shooting.


Anonymous said...

Cop arriving on scene:"What's the name of the perp?
Other cop:"Sesay."
First cop:" Who say?"
Second cop:"He say."
First cop:"I thought you said 'she say.'"
Second cop: "No,he say--Sesay."
First cop:"Which is it?He say--or she say?
Second cop:"It's Sesay--that's what they all say--ALL his neighbors say,it's Sesay."
First cop:Yes,THEY say it was Sesay?But what does he say?
Second cop:Sesay.
First cop:Who's she?
Second cop:There's no "she" here.
First cop:"Why'd you say Sesay then?"
Second cop:"That's his name!!!
First cop:"Who said that?"
Second cop:"Sesay."
First cop:Well I say,I don't care what he OR she say--is this even English we're speaking?
Second cop:No,the guy's an Arab.
First cop:Ahhh,NOW I get it."
Second cop:"That's what YOU say."


Anonymous said...

And the immigration status is?